Virtual Integration

Virtual integration can be considered to be state of the art in major OEMs’ development and test processes. It effectively reduces real-world testing effort and increases testing efficiency, e.g. by using comprehensive test catalogs with automated results assessment.

CES’ Business Center Virtual Testing & Simulation is your partner for virtual integration of ADAS/AD functions and any kind of chassis control systems.

Benefits of virtual integration

  • Handle the complexity of a huge number of requirements during development
  • Hold up quality in tough time schedules
  • Make better and earlier system design decisions
  • Ensure comparability and trustworthiness of test results

We support you with

  • Virtual vehicle prototypes
  • Interfaces (e.g. ROS2, FMI) between your function and a virtual vehicle
  • Toolchains for agile development
  • Continuous Integration and Testing for code quality monitoring and fulfillment of requirements

Direct Contact

Stephan Hakuli
Tel: +49 69 678 696 331

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