Our Body Electronics make driving easier and more comfortable
Control units are the basis for vehicle electronics. They combine a variety of safety and comfort functions for a wide range of applications. Starting with vehicle access via locking systems for trunks, windows, or the vehicle roof up to the latest light control systems. In addition, gateways are used as intermediaries and managers in complex electrical and electronic vehicle architectures.
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Body Electronics
Body electronics is an electronic network of systems integrated in the vehicle that perform certain functions. Components of the vehicle body electronics include sensors and sensor interfaces, activators and monitoring circuits as well as communication relays.
Access Systems
We have accepted the challenges of the market to develop improved security measures against theft of next-generation vehicles and thereby guarantee legitimate users more convenient access to their vehicles and present new access concepts for the mobility of the future.
Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary approach to develop systems which are mostly complex. For CES this means the transformation of idea into vehicles. CES Systems Engineering provides engineering services, training and consulting for the innovation, concept and product development phases of a vehicle development focusing vehicle and vehicle system level.